Is Coffee Good For You or Not? You Decide

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is coffee good for you? The jury may still be out. There have certainly been those that bemoan the negative effects. What follows is one opinion as to the possible beneficial effects of coffee.

Coffee is effective in reducing or even eliminating some people's asthma, not to mention it has an effect on people taking pain-killers - it the pill effect. Some effects are different for opposite sexes. For men, it reduces the chance for developing problems with the gallbladder while with women it can reduce suicide rates. It also helps reduce the chance of people contracting or developing some type of diabetes, the rate being higher for men at 50% and lower for women at 30%. It also helps prevent the development of cancer in the kidneys and liver. Caffeine appears to work as a mild type of steroid. It is especially effective on hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer that causes inflammation and internal bleeding. Lastly, it helps prevent heart disease whether it be from the quickened pulse that removes fat and cholesterol from arteries is unknown of yet, but it can added to one of the hypothesized causes.

It is also known that those who drink excess amount of coffee have higher IQs and have improved short term memories to name a few. Not to mention it can even change a person's metabolism causing them to burn any excess fat and use and consume a higher amount of calories per day.

It depends on how many cups a day a person drinks that certain effects start to kick in, but all of these facts are true if the person in question drinks more than six cups a day.

It should also be known that decaffeinated coffee has not yet been known to have beneficiary effects on the human body although recent studies have suggested a link with the reduction in the risk of gout.

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