Coffee - It Isn't All Bad!

Sunday, October 31, 2010 2 comments

The debate has raged for many years, and it will probably continue for years... is coffee good or bad for your health? While the jury may be out, here are some findings that indicate coffee is not all bad.

Coffee, as we all know, is high in caffeine, and caffeine is suspected of increasing blood pressure and heart rate. The medical fraternity have long suspected that coffee drinking might therefore contribute to higher rates of heart disease. However a recent study by researchers at the Harvard University School of Public Health found no significant increase in the risk of heart disease or stroke among men who drank up to four cups of coffee a day - a finding supported by the Kaiser Permanente health care organization in California.

The same outcome was found in women where data collected from more than 85,000 women over a 10-year period produced no evidence for any positive association between coffee consumption and risk of heart disease for women consuming six or more cups of coffee a day. That's a lot of coffee!

This is not to say that there aren't physical effects to coffee drinking. Caffeine does excite brain cells, and this in turn improves concentration and reaction time and reduces fatigue. In fact, caffeine can increase the speed of rapid information processing by 10%. A study in 1993 clearly demonstrated that caffeinated coffee had a beneficial effect on alertness and improved performance in a variety of tasks. Caffeine also has a beneficial effect on asthma by reducing the severity of attacks. Two studies found that three or more cups of coffee a day reduced the prevalence of asthma and this is further supported by improved ventilatory function in exercise-induced broncho-constriction - although this required over five cups of coffee a day!

Interestingly, it has been found that increased activity, alertness and efficiency are associated with a decline in levels of depression and anxiety. Two independent studies noted a significant inverse association between coffee drinking and the risk of suicide. Further research into the possibility that coffee drinking may decrease depression is certainly needed.

Although, caffeine is often singled out as the chemical in coffee that has the most impact on our health, coffee has a complex chemical composition. One beneficial characteristic of coffee is that it contains compounds with antioxidant properties. Polyphenolic compounds known as flavonoids are common in plants and are known to have disease suppression benefits. What is most interesting is that the roasting process increases antioxidant activity in the beans. Although the beneficial role of food antioxidants is a relatively new research area, this is likely to become more important in years to come.

Yet too much caffeine can lead to irritability and restlessness along with an increase in urination. Talking of this, kidney stones are extremely painful and in a study of some 45,000 men with no history of kidney stones it was found that increased consumption of regular and decaffeinated coffee, tea, beer and wine were linked with a decreased risk of stone formation. The same effect was found in a study involving 81,000 women where caffeinated coffee and wine were found to be significantly more effective than water in helping women avoid kidney stones.

Coffee also has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of gallstone formation. According to a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), drinking coffee is associated with a 40 percent lower risk of gallstone disease in men. Men who drank four or more cups of regular coffee per day had a 45 percent lower risk profile.

The link between coffee and cancer is probably more weighted in favour of coffee. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with some 131,000 Americans being diagnosed with cancers of the rectum and colon on an annual basis. Now there is some convincing evidence for a protective effect of coffee against the development of colon cancers. A recent review of over 15 studies on coffee consumption and colorectal cancer from 1960 to 1990 found the risk of colorectal cancer to be 24% lower among those who drink four or more cups of coffee per day, than among those who rarely or never drink coffee. Researchers in Sweden also found that " consumption appears to be protective against colon cancer, and tea against rectal tumors". The most likely explanation for lower risk of colorectal cancer among heavy coffee consumers is the enhanced colonic activity induced by coffee, and the inhibition effect on the cancer-causing effects of various micro-organisms by anti-mutagenic components in coffee and caffeine.

Coffee is also commonly used to "lift" hangovers and to get going "the morning after". However it might be more useful to drink it before having the in the past decade, research in the United States, Japan and Italy has shown that the consumption of coffee has a strong protective effect against cirrhosis of the liver. Drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day was associated with an 80% reduction in risk for cirrhosis of the liver, compared with those who don't drink coffee at all.

On the subject of losing brain cells, Parkinson 's disease, a progressive nervous disease occurring generally after age 50, destroys brain cells that produce dopamine and is characterized by muscular tremor, slowing of movement, weakness and facial paralysis. Research into the relationship between caffeine consumption from a variety of sources and the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, has shown that moderate consumption of caffeine reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease in men and women.

In fact, men who drank four to five cups per day of caffeinated coffee cut the risk of developing Parkinson's disease nearly in half compared to men in the study who consumed little or no caffeine daily. Women who consumed between one and three cups of caffeinated coffee per day also cut their risk nearly in half of developing Parkinson's disease when compared to women who drank less than a cup of coffee per day - but this apparent benefit was lost at higher levels of intake.

Finally, while some people believe that coffee can induce acid reflux, recent research has found that coffee consumption has no effect whatever at inducing heartburn in healthy people. Even for those individuals with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, coffee consumption was found to have only a minimal effect.

Is coffee all that bad? Probably moderation. Indeed, many studies identifying beneficial effects also noted the loss of these effects at high consumption rates. So, enjoy your three to four cups of coffee a day...on average you'll be just fine!

Steve Giddings is Managing Director of Frontier Beverage Corporation (Pty) Ltd. This article and other coffee related information can be found at

The Best Cup of Drip Coffee Possible


With a "good" cup of coffee costing almost as much as a good sandwich these days, more and more people are taking to making their coffee at home from an "old fashioned" drip coffee machine. With the influence of Starbucks and the others out there, people are demanding a better cup of coffee all of the time. This article should help you make the best cup of drip coffee possible.

Coffee from a can just doesn't work for the general public anymore. You know what I'm talking about and it sounds as lousy to you as it does to me. The good news is that great coffee beans can be obtained at pretty much any grocery store. If you use coupons (and if you don't, shame on you), you should do quite well if you aren't too worried about the brand name. My tip for you - worry about quality more than anything else. The big stores like Sams Club and Costco offer big bags of coffee beans at some very good prices. Your author's favorite, in case you're interested, is Kirkland brand (two pound) of Espresso Roast (Starbucks) that you can find at Costco.

Be willing to experiment with different bean types to find the kind of coffee you like best. For what it is worth, more times than not, I've found that a good espresso roast makes a great cup of drip coffee as well. Do experiment though, you just might be surprised at what you find.

Good beans deserve a good grind. You'd be surprised at the difference between a good grind and a bad one. If you don't have a good grinder at home, consider grinding the beans at the store where they were purchased as the grinders there often do a great job. Burr grinders are the best, and the most expensive.

It is probably obvious but good water makes a difference as well. The more things you take out of the water, the better your coffee will taste.

A good drip machine is also a must. More than anything else, the warming element is what you need to worry about. If you find that your coffee often has that scalded burned taste, the warmer might be too hot. And, of course, there is seldom a way to change that so, ... you'll need a new machine.

Consider the French Press alternative. French presses are dirt cheap, make an incredible cup of coffee, and never leave you worrying about overactive warmers, water tube build-up and the like. Remember that the grind for French Press is different than normal drip coffee so grind accordingly.

What about people stuck in a bad coffee situation in the office or somewhere else? Here's a trick that can help with some issues: Bring in a cinnamon shaker and dash a little on the grinds before starting the machine. This will give the coffee a bit more taste, hide some of the bad taste and help with the aroma. Grab the coffee as soon as is brewed and, most of all, lobby for better coffee.

You're worth it.

The Latest News on Coffee and Health

Saturday, October 30, 2010 0 comments

You win some and you lose some is a common phrase, one that the coffee bean recently experienced in regards to women's health. Two reports released this month both involved the health effects of coffee on female health. One report coffee was not too fond of and, the other, coffee liked a lot, or, should I say, a latte.

The coffee cup was half empty when researchers published at article in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology that spoke of the correlation between coffee and miscarriage risk. Drinking coffee, the report states, during pregnancy can increase the chance that a woman will miscarry. This is worse news for news that was already bad: regardless of coffee consumption habits, 20 percent of pregnancies end in a miscarriage.

But, unfortunately for java lovers, coffee could make this worse.

The recent research states that women who drink coffee while pregnant nearly double their chances of not taking their baby to term. The research isn't, however, purely out to grind coffee: soda, tea, hot chocolate, sports drinks, or anything with caffeine can add to an increased risk. These findings are reported to have doctors split between telling their pregnant patients not to drink caffeine or telling them simply not to drink it in excess. Regardless of what is decided, caffeine, if not cut out of the diet all together, should be kept to a minimum.

Luckily for coffee, not all of the recently reported news was bad for the bean.

Another report released this month by US researchers stated that drinking caffeine appears to lower the women's risk of developing ovarian cancer. This is particularly true, it appears, in women who have already gone through menopause and for those who have never used oral birth control. It was concluded that the more caffeine consumed the lower the risk. Still, this doesn't mean women should drink four hundred cups of coffee a day: excessive use of caffeine can cause a whole slug of other problems.

Ovarian cancer is most common in women over 50. It remains a particularly volatile form of cancer because - unlike cervical cancer - no test exists to detect precancerous cells and prevent them from forming. Ovarian cancer also does not usually possess a plethora of symptoms in its early stages, making its diagnosis particularly evasive. When it is caught in its final stages, the outlook is particularly dire.

The research for the ovarian cancer and caffeine link was based on a study of 121,000 women between the ages of 30 and 35. While regular coffee proved beneficial, decaffeinated did not.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Part 1 - Antioxidants


If you've been keeping up with health news for the past few years, you're already well aware that medical researchers are finding out that coffee has a lot of health benefits, for men and for women.

If you haven't, I want to explain in this article why coffee contains the sort of health benefits it provides, and what health benefits you can obtain from drinking it.

Remember first and foremost that coffee is a drug, or rather it contains a variety of drugs, the main one being caffeine. Since the majority of drugs are beneficial, it's no surprise that coffee is loaded with health benefits.

To me, one of the best health benefits coffee provides is it's number of antioxidants. In fact, coffee is the number one source of antioxidants currently available to mankind, as reported by the University of Scranton in recent research. If that isn't something spectacular in itself, I don't know what is.

Since both caffeinated and detox versions of coffee provide around the same level of antioxidants, and coffee is the #1 drink in the American (and generally the developed world's) diet, most people get most, if not all of their antioxidants from coffee alone.

Sure, there are plenty of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, but no single fruit or vegetable comes close to matching coffee's amount of them. Over half of Americans drink coffee every day, and studies show that drinking coffee is actually on the rise.

The two strongest and most prevalent antioxidants in coffee are chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. A 200 ml of arabica coffee is reported by the Coffee Science Information Center as containing 70 and 200 mg of chlorogenic acid. They also report that the roasting time of coffee will affect the amount of antioxidants, so when you're at the store you may want to inspect your favored brand of coffee and see the particular details of how it's cultivated, how it's roasted, and how it's manufactured.

Specific antioxidants besides a few in coffee are unknown, because the research on antioxidants is still in it's infancy and a lot of researchers still don't understand the total affects or implications of antioxidants.

They do however know that antioxidants play a vital role in the health of the human body and the human being in total. People who drink at least 2 cups of coffee a day enjoy the health benefits of the antioxidants in coffee, so you don't have to be a major coffeehead to receive the benefits that coffee offers.

Drink coffee. Be healthy.

Karl Trigona is a world traveler and modern day Renaissance Man with many tastes in a wide variety of subjects. One of his latest pursuits is helping parents find the best deals on Peg Perego strollers. Visit his website today to find the cheapest Peg Perego Venezia [] stroller and related items for your kids currently on the market.

Who Has the Best Coffee Beans?


The best cup of coffee that you will have ever tasted is a lot like the best glass of wine; it has been grown in the right place, in the right soil and has the correct conditions for its growth.

Most people know that it is countries like Brazil that supply the world with coffee beans it has the regular sunshine and rain for the optimum growth.

However, coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia before spreading to other countries.

Common Coffee Growing Countries

In fact, from among the seventy odd coffee bean producing countries in the world, only a few have the proper climate and ground conditions.

A Third of all Coffee Production

Brazil produces almost a third of all coffee, followed by Columbia where roasts are the most well known type of coffee beans. Other well-known countries are Indonesia and Mexico.

Coffee grown in these countries has a very different taste and so, Mexican coffee can also be considered as being among the best, though only because of the different taste those beans provide.

Another factor that governs the quality of coffee is the altitude where they are grown. The best coffee beans are usually produced in high lying areas. In Brazil, the production is ordered, it is a industry which is responsible for the employment of a large labor force.

In Columbia has plenty of coffee growing areas at higher altitudes. They are known to be a country that produces some of best coffee, however, this is sometimes overshadowed because of the countries poor economy.

This makes it harder to get the beans from their growing areas to processing plants.

Another lesser known area for coffee is Hawaii. The quantity grown may be on the small side but weather and soil conditions are excellent. The plants are known to flourish in volcanic ash soil, where a hot sun is combined with frequent showers, creating ideal growing conditions.

Indonesia grows one of best beans due to its humid and balmy climate. The technology used in growing them is advanced, which is why coffee beans grown in places such as Java are being exported to the rest of the world enjoy a very high reputation.

I guess when it comes down to who really does produce the best bean, its really a matter of the enjoyment of the end user. Thank you Starbucks for expanding our world!

Free Coffee Recipes and much more! Check out for everything coffee, including where the Who Provides the Best Coffee Beans came from and much more.

Coffee - Is it Good Or Bad For Your Health?

Friday, October 29, 2010 0 comments

Lots of people like to drink coffee. Experts up to this date have long debated the question on whether coffee is good or bad for the health. Recent studies show that there are more benefits that coffee brings than the risks.

Caffeine, a type of stimulant, is the main ingredient of coffee. Health experts claim that there are some mild and temporary effects of caffeine to the body such as increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which can result to irregular heartbeats. On the contrary, some studies show that there are some healthy benefits of drinking coffee.

Scientists claim that coffee can help someone to reduce the danger colon cancer, but only if you drink more than four cups a day. However, drinking that amount would also have bad effects to the body. Although coffee has antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancers and get rid of cells that destroy oxygen from the blood, for some, it is not recommended to drink coffee all the time.

Drinking coffee has also been proven by Chinese scientists to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Americans and Scandinavians claim that decaffeinated coffee can reduce type2 diabetes.

It also helps in the reduction of kidney problems and increases the acid in the stomach, thus improves digestion. Coffee also has a bronchodiolator known as theophylline, which is good for those who are suffering from asthma.

On the other hand, drinking too much coffee may increase homocyteine level in the blood, which can cause heart disease. It has also been known that female fertility can suffer due to excessive coffee intake. Women who are drinking coffee are also more likely to suffer from calcium loss and decrease in bone density. Incontinence is also common among coffee drinkers.

While there are good health benefits of drinking coffee, taking in excessively will also give you greater health problems. And as the saying goes, everything should be taken in moderation.

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Coffee is the Black Elixir of Health


For many years coffee has been maligned as a beverage that is not healthful and is merely used as a drug to keep people awake and alert, due to the caffeine content. It has even been comically characterized as the juice of the "naughty bean". Let's see why coffee may actually be an up and coming health tonic.

Coffee cultivation was first known to have happened in Ethiopia in the year 850 AD/CE. It spread to Arabia where it was held as a guarded secret, until the Dutch managed to get some smuggled plants. Coffee was introduced to Central America and the Caribbean in the 1715-1730 time range. The Dutch cultivated it in the East Indies in 1720 and South America got it in 1730. Coffee is currently cultivated across the globe in equatorial regions, from Central and South America, many African states, India, and Southeast Asia including the Indonesian zone through New Guinea.

The two main coffee varieties are Arabica and Robusto. Arabica is the more valued variety since its flavor is preferred over robust, but Robusto has a fuller body. Robusto has traditionally been used for decaffeinated blends since it has the fuller body, but this is also why many decaf blends are not highly regarded by coffee connoisseurs. Some newer decaf blends now use the Arabica variety and the taste reflects this change.

Coffee consumption has been implicated in less risk of developing Parkinson's disease, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, gout, and suicide. As it turns out, coffee has been found to be the primary source of antioxidants for Americans, and perhaps for the populations of other coffee drinking nations. The antioxidant levels seem to be the same whether you choose regular or decaf blends, and studies have also shown that added milk or dairy does not seem to inhibit antioxidant uptake by the human body.

The two main antioxidants in coffee are caffeic and chlorogenic acids. These acids are are also believed to be antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Antioxidants work by combining with oxygen atoms which otherwise would damage healthy tissues and could cause cancerous mutations when cells divide and DNA is replicated. High levels of antioxidants fight disease causing inflammation.

Coffee can help to prevent type II diabetes because chlorogenic acid reduces the rate at which glucose is absorbed thus slowing the release of sugar into the blood after having a meal. Caffeine can blunt this effect so in this case a decaf blend works in a superior manner. It is probably a good idea to not have coffee which is sweetened to a high degree, since excess sugar added to the coffee would naturally counteract the positive effect of its antidiabetic properties.

Coffee is also high in the minerals potassium, magnesium, and manganese. High intake of potassium and magnesium is beneficial to the cardiovascular and muscular system since muscle contractions and relaxation is dependent on the correct ratios of these important minerals. Caffeine might cause some of these to be excreted through urine, as caffeine is a potent diuretic. It is also noteworthy that those with kidney problems should limit coffee intake since the high potassium intake could be troublesome for those with reduced kidney function.

Coffee in moderation is probably a wise dietary choice. One can reduce the effects of caffeine by choosing a quality decaf blend. Some studies have shown negative effects of cheaper decaf blends, which are made primarily with Robusto beans, on LDL cholesterol levels. There are now high quality Arabica decaf coffees produced which eliminate the stigma that decaf coffee is bad for cholesterol levels. Coffee, as it turns out, is really a healthy drink which, for better or worse, is the main source of healthy antioxidants for much of the modern on the go population. You can't go wrong by having one or a few cups of this black liquid on a daily basis.

T.J. has been writing articles on many different subjects because his Bachelor of Arts degree imbued him with a love of knowledge in many different areas. His latest site is about electric coffee makers and a dual coffee maker which liven up any morning.

Quick Guide To Finding The Best Coffee Maker


You cannot get a perfect tasting cup of coffee each day without the best coffee maker for you. Finding the one is a matter of planning for your needs ahead of time. You need to include such preferences into your choice as how fast you need your coffee made. You may also need to decide if you want the water and coffee heated separately or at the same time. Also, you need to know if it is important for you to have a clock-set model that will make your coffee for you at a set time each day. And, do not forget to measure the prospective equipment space on your kitchen counter to see what dimensions the coffee maker can be.

For some, a percolator is a nice choice for a coffee maker. For those who love their old-fashioned coffee and are not into any specialized coffees, a stove top percolator or an electric percolator does everything they need. If you go with the stove top version, be sure not to over-boil your coffee. Most people go with the electric percolator because it will sense when the coffee has brewed and switch over to warm mode.

Over the last several decades, the automatic drip coffee maker has been about the most popular. This is the kind where you just throw in the coffee bag and some water in the machine. The machine does the rest.

For many people these days, a coffee maker without a clock and timer function is just not worth having. People have grown to love waking up to the smell of fresh coffee each morning. All you have to remember to do is put in ingredients within the 24 hours before your wake-up coffee. The timed coffee machine will take care of the rest.

If none of the above do it for you, you are probably either a coffee aficionado, impatient, or you like specialized coffees. For the aficionado or the impatient, there are other options such as a plunger pot, manual drip, microwave, or vacuum coffee maker. For those who like specialized blends, there are cappuccino makers and espresso makers. Nonetheless, there will always be one coffee machine that suits your taste and needs. Take your time to find that best coffee maker. It is worth it!

Are you looking for the Best Coffee Maker? Be sure to check out more about coffee makers around the world at

Alice Morgan is a coffee lover and currently runs a website to provide more information on different coffee makers around the world at

The Link Between High Blood Pressure and Coffee

Thursday, October 28, 2010 0 comments

A recent Finnish study followed over 24,000 citizens with no prior history of hypertension or high blood pressure for thirteen years to attempt to find a causal link between high blood pressure and coffee. The ages of the participants were between 25 and 64 years old. Also required was that they had no history of hypertension drug use and no history of stroke or heart disease.

The results of the study were inconclusive leaving it an open question as to how much coffee drinking affects hypertension.

During the course of the study, 2500 participants, or approximately 10%, began taking some type of anti hypertension drug. Previous studies have shown that roughly 19% of non-coffee drinkers developed high blood pressure during the time period of the study. What's unknown is how many of the participants developed high blood pressure but are either unaware of it or not taking medication for it.

Part of the questionnaire that participants were asked to complete focused on how many cups of coffee they drink daily. The more cups of coffee a participant drank, the greater the chances are that he or she would end up in the group taking anti hypertension drugs. So although there does seem to be some slight causation link between coffee drinking and high blood pressure, the risk seems to be small, and many questions still remain.

For example, coffee drinkers tend to drink alcohol more than non coffee drinkers. Though the occasional drink may be good for relieving stress and may even reduce diastolic blood pressure, studies have consistently shown that alcohol when consumed in excess increases blood pressure. We also know that over time, excess drinking can damage the heart. The study did not control for alcohol consumption.

Coffee drinkers also, as a rule, smoke cigarettes more than non smokers. Smoking tends to harden the blood arteries and constrict blood flow. The heart has to pump harder to force the blood through the narrow arteries and blood pressure rises as a result. In addition, studies have also demonstrated that discontinuing tobacco smoking will likely lead to a decrease in blood pressure. The study did not control for smoking.

Other lifestyle factors that come into play are eating habits, gender, weight, exercise, and salt sensitivity and intake. Diet, as we know, has a great impact on whether a person develops hypertension. Is a person who drinks coffee more likely to also have bad eating habits which can lead to high blood pressure?

Exercise is very beneficial to the heart and arterial system. Is a coffee drinker more likely to be sedentary than a non coffee drinker?

For years now, it seems as though every bit of food we put into our bodies is somehow harmful to us. Fish is good for the heart but are we willing to risk ingesting too much mercury. A vegetarian diet is good for health, but are we willing to risk bone loss? Fruits have loads of healthy antioxidants, but will the sugar content in them rot our teeth?

But there is one piece of good news from the study. It seems as though coffee drinking actually lowers the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. At this point, we'll take all the good news we can get.

Melissa Chow is a freelance writer who writes articles relating to alcohol and high blood pressure. Visit her site at

Popular Coffee Brewing Techniques


Aside from the finer points in roasting coffee beans, the extraction of the coffee flavor from the beans by way of brewing is the most important aspect of coffee-making. It is the final process right before we drink our coffee.

This is the one area where most of the connoisseurs have tried to concentrate their efforts in trying to improve the process throughout the ages. Today, we have several forms of coffee brewing techniques, both for commercial and home use.

Flavor extraction length
As a general rule, the length of extraction time is directly related to the grind coarseness.
The smaller the coffee particles, the shorter the extraction time.

French press coffee is the longest, with coffee and water contact lasting as long as four minutes. Espresso has the shortest contact time, about twenty-five seconds, and the coffee granules used are among the smallest.

If the coffee and water stay together for too long, other compounds start to leach and these will make the coffee bitter. On the other hand, if the granules are large, and the extraction time is short, the coffee will lack flavor because of under-extraction.

Drip brew
Most home brews nowadays are produced through the drip process. The technique is simple enough: hot water is poured over a medium-ground coffee within a filter and the water goes through the coffee grounds and drips into a holding container.

There are many variations on these drip brewers with different functions for home use, and also available in larger models for commercial use.

Auto-drip brewers
This machine makes brewing a very simple process. Water is heated in one place and piped over the grounds inside a filter. The extracted brew then drips into a holding vessel.

One complaint is that these machines do not make the water hot enough, so flavor extraction happens at lower temperatures than is recommended.

Another issue is that the machines have warming hot plates, ostensibly for keeping the coffee warm. However, continuous heat will make the coffee bitter.

Single-Serve Systems
These machines were once used exclusively in commercial places. Now, people buy them for their own use at home.

These are very convenient to use. Pre-packaged coffee is inserted into the machine and with one push of a button, the coffee starts to come out. There are variations to these, however.

Some pre-heats an entire reservoir or heats the water on demand. Some machines can brew with less water, making for stronger coffees. They are more like smaller versions of drip machines. Some involve pressure but they are not true espresso machines.

One complaint is that these machines use proprietary packaged coffee, so quality and freshness cannot be guaranteed.

French Press / Press Pot / Cafeteria / Plunger Pot
The French Press has two parts: the beaker (made of glass, metal or plastic) and a plunger which has a wire-mesh filter.

To use, heat the brewing water and pour it on the coffee grounds in the beaker. Let the coffee steep for about 3 to 5 minutes (to your taste) before putting the plunger in and push the dregs down with the filter mesh. You may stir the brew for a second or two before putting the plunger in. Pour the cleared coffee into an appropriate mug. It is now ready for drinking.

Note: Pour out the coffee into your drinking mugs or carafes right after brewing. Do not leave it steeped with the grounds all throughout. The continuous steeping will make the coffee bitter.

Espresso is coffee created by forcing hot water steam through finely ground coffee at a certain pressure. The resulting brew is called espresso, as developed by the Italians. It is different from regular coffee in that it has a cream produced by the process unlike regular brews.

Espresso is the base for such bestselling Italian coffee concoctions as cappuccino, lattes, macchiato and more.

There are many more brewing techniques culled from all over the world. Since they are popular only in their parts, we have not included them in the list. Suffice it to say that whatever the number of brewing techniques that one knows, the quality changes accordingly.

Frankly, all of these coffee brewing techniques are just as good as any. And that says a lot on how versatile coffee is.

Jhon Noya, Author Of Free Tips Making Money From Internet and Free Tips For Dating

Coffee Could Help Prevent Uterine Cancer

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 comments

More good news about coffee and health! Coffee and caffeine are recognized for their positive health benefits. Coffee has been the subject of continued research for decades. Consistently, research findings show that coffee is more healthful than harmful.

Uterine cancer, also referred to as endometrial cancer, is the most common cancer for women's reproductive organsUterine cancer, also referred to as endometrial cancer, is the most common cancer for women's reproductive organs. In 2009, close to 43,000 new cases were diagnosed. Of these, the mortality rate was an estimated 18.5% which is obviously too high.

Uterine cancer is also often found at its earliest and most treatable stage:

This cancer begins in the cells of the endometrium or lining of the uterus which is the hollow, pear-shaped pelvic organ where fetal development starts. Early cancer detection is always good news and allows for the best early diagnosis and corresponding treatment.
It appears that estrogen levels play a role in the development of endometrial cancer. There are many factors that can increase the levels of estrogen in women which can increase the risk of disease.
Obesity is one of the most significant risk factors for the development of endometrial cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight is a good thing to do because it reduces excess fat tissue which increase levels of estrogen in the body. A healthy weight also helps to reduce the likelihood of many other ailments and disorders.
Regular exercise and fitness training can have a dramatic effect lowering the risk of endrometrial cancer.So, what does this all have to do with coffee?

Actually, quite a bit. If your beverage of choice is coffee, you benefit from the high level of antioxidants in coffee.

Antioxidants are helpful substances found in foods that basically scavenge unstable molecules or free radicals in the body.
Free radicals are not good because they contribute to oxidative stress which causes inflammation and other unhealthy changes in body cells.
Coffee antioxidants, instead, offer benefits to women coffee drinkers such as lowering the risk of endometrial cancer.
Coffee plays a role in cancer protection due to its naturally occurring polyphenolic antioxidants as well as heat-producing antioxidants.
Coffee is the major single source of dietary antioxidants. Coffee has more antioxidants than wine, chocolate, tea, and individual fruits and vegetables. In fact, green coffee beans contain about 1,000 antioxidants. In addition, the brewing process adds about 300 more antioxidants.
The antioxidants in coffee beans become especially potent during the roasting process and offer properties that are beneficial to human health. The coffee roasting process creates an additional set of healthful compounds, such as antioxidants. This is a unique benefit of coffee alone.You can really call coffee an "antioxidant power food." In other words, you can drink your coffee and promote good health at the same time. A moderate intake of coffee such as two to four cups per day does not hurt and actually helps.

In addition, with all the choices of delicious flavored coffees, women can delight their palates without the worry of the extra calories and danger of increased weight as a result of coffee drinking.

Who can resist coffee flavors such as Classic Hazelnut, Vanilla, Amaretto, Chocolates, Desserts and Spices, Fruits and Creams, Liqueurs, Nuts,and Crunches?
Or other flavors such as Amaretto, Royale, Butter Rum, Egg Nog, Irish Cream or White Russian?
And of course the fruity flavored choices such as bananas, cherries, berries, oranges, peaches, creams, and cr?mes.Point made: the list goes on and on! Obviously, it is important to state that it is imperative for individuals and patients to always check with their own physician regarding any medical conditions, treatments, diagnostics, pregnancy or special dietary plans for you.

This should include a conversation about coffee antioxidants and any beneficial impact on preventing uterine cancer. The knowledge that coffee drinking can help reduce the risk of uterine cancer means one simple call to action: go ahead and drink coffee.

So, what about tasting Mexican Altura coffee and enjoying its fragrant aroma, rich and smooth flavor, and pronounced deep-medium body? A true gourmet coffee that has consistent balance as well as hints of sweetness. Perfect to enjoy black, even strong. Or as a cold beverage after a physical workout.

Timothy ("Tim") S. Collins, the author, is called by those who know him "The Gourmet Coffee Guy."
He is an expert in article writing who has done extensive research online and offline in his area of expertise, coffee marketing, as well as in other areas of personal and professional interest.

Come visit the author's website:

? Copyright - Timothy S. Collins. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

A Healthy Coffee - What Constitutes a Healthy Coffee?


Standing in front of the coffee isle I ask myself, what makes one coffee healthier than another? Does it have more to do with how the beans are processed or what is mixed in?

Most coffee all starts out the same. Beans are grown someplace warm and harvested by hand or by machine. Mixes of green and red berries, or just green berries, are used to produce cheaper mass consumer coffee beans, which are characterized by a displeasingly bitter/astringent flavor and a sharp odor. Red berries, with their higher aromatic oil and lower organic acid content, are more fragrant, smooth, and mellow.

The beans are then processed either by Wet or Dry process. In Wet Process, the fruit is removed before they are dried. In Dry processing, the entire bean is first cleaned and then placed in the sun to dry on tables or in thin layers on patios. The beans are then milled, hulled, polished, cleaned and sorted, and graded. They may than also be aged or decaffeinated and roasted.

Healthwise Low Acid Coffee is processed through there proprietary TechnoRoasting?. They have virtually eliminated all the excess acid and irritants that cause heartburn, without flavor loss and without resorting to steam blasting. There are no herbs in their coffee.

On the other hand, Gano Excel does put herbs into their coffee. You will find Ganoderma Lucidum; six verities, tongkat ali and ginseng. Mr. Leow Soon Seng spent 25-years of his life unlocking the secrets of Ganoderma Lucidum and identifying the 6 most nutrient-dense varieties. He discovered a proprietary tissue-culture method of Ganoderma propagation that has allowed Gano Excel to standardize and produce an exceptional Ganoderma product repeatedly.

Java Fit and Fitness Coffee GVM I.E. coffee companies definitely use the widest range of herbs. You'll find blends available with Echinacea, bitter orange, ginseng, cinnamon, licorice, Ganoderma Lucidum and several others. Java Fit also offers a decaffeinated blend.

Additionally, it is still widely debated whether certain types of green coffee are believed to improve with age; especially those that are valued for their low acidity, like coffees from Indonesia or India. Several of these coffee producers sell coffee beans that have been aged for 3 to 8 years. Most coffee experts agree that a green coffee peaks in flavor and freshness within one year of harvest, because over-aged coffee beans will lose much of their essential oil content.

Ultimately, whether you use Wikipedia, the local library or the internet at large, don't forget to include your doctor in your diet change. They love it when you take the initiative in your own health, but like to be kept in the loop.

Vanessa Hart is an independent marketing affiliate. Visit her blog at:

Coffee Health - New Antioxidant on the Block


Green coffee beans have supplied a new player in the antioxidant arena. An extract of green coffee beans has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract.

The active constituent in coffee that is responsible for its many health benefits is a compound called chlorogenic acid. It neutralizes free radicals, and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which can lead to cellular degeneration if left unchecked. Chlorogenic acid also helps regulate metabolism. Compared to green tea and grape seed extract, green coffee bean extract is twice as effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals.

One of the advantages of using the green coffee bean extract is that the negative effects of coffee are avoided. The chlorogenic acid is thought to boost metabolism by changing the way glucose is taken up by the body. And it does contain caffeic acids, which give a boost to energy levels like regular coffee does. But unlike boiled coffee, green coffee bean extract contains no cafestol, which is a diterpene. Along with its diterpene relative kahweol, cafestol increases concentrations of the 'bad' cholesterol, LDL, to levels that over a lifetime might increase the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 20% These diterpenes also had an effect on the levels of liver enzymes measured. When these are elevated it is an indicator of stress on the liver. However the study that measured this found this was a transient effect, and also that the levels of liver enzymes were much lower than those with liver disease.

As a side note on the health effect of the diterpenes found in regular coffee, it was found that by simply drinking filter coffee, none of these effects on cholesterol levels or the liver took place. The coffee filter removed the offending diterpenes. And levels of these diterpenes in instant coffee are low.

Other benefits of green coffee bean extract include an increase in the effectiveness of pain killers, especially for migraine medications; a reduction in the risk of diabetes; and assisting the body burn a higher proportion of lipids (fats) compared to carbohydrates, which could help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.

Interestingly, on the subject of caffeine and liver disease, further studies have indicated it may in fact support liver health for some people. Those who were at high risk of developing liver disease due to drinking too much alcohol were found less likely to suffer liver damage if they drank more than two cups of coffee or tea a day. This was a population based study, not a clinical trial, and so is not conclusive on the subject. But it does offer some promising information. Those drinking in excess of two cups or more a day were half as likely to develop liver disease compared to those drinking less than one cup a day. Researchers do not know what caused this protective effect.

One of the criticisms of coffee in regards to health is that it leaches calcium from the bones. But this effect has been found to be overemphasized, at least in children. And adults who consume a diet with sufficient levels of calcium will be protected from the small amount of calcium that is lost due to coffee consumption.

So the old axiom that caffeine can stunt a child's growth is a myth. It was based on the fact that in older studies, caffeine was associated with low bone mass because those studies were done on elderly people who both drank a lot of coffee and had diets that were low in calcium. Recent studies in the US followed 80 teenagers over 6 years, and found no difference in the bone density of those with a high level of caffeine in their diet, compared to those teenagers who had little caffeine. Other studies determined that the amount of calcium lost from bones is small and can be balanced by having sufficient calcium in your diet.

References: Australian Healthy Food Magazine, January.
1. []

Discover the answers to health questions you hadn't even thought of asking! And if you'd like to buy echinacea, or ginkgo biloba, click here.

Coffee and Health

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 0 comments

For those who routinely greet a beeping alarm clock with a shriek of denial, coffee is more than a welcoming morning drink: it's a way of life. But, even for those not in need of an intervention by the Hills Brothers, coffee can be filled with lots of benefits, lots of health benefits.

In the past years, no one thought of coffee as a drink that could filter out illness. Instead, it was thought of merely as a drink that gave exhausted people a latte pep. But, it turns out it might not just be a bean; it may also be a magical bean.

Now, before we continue, it's important to point out that consuming large amounts of coffee is not without its risks. Like too much of anything, overindulging in coffee can lead to problems. Coffee can stain teeth, cause high blood pressure, and lead to constipation, nervousness, heart palpations, and sleep changes. The high amount of caffeine can also lead to osteoporosis, and the inability to absorb certain nutrients. Still, for many people, the benefits of coffee outweigh the risks and a mug or two is a morning, afternoon, and evening ritual.

Those who drink coffee regularly may find a decreased risk of diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver. It can decrease the risk of diabetes 2 by up to half (especially for those who consume several cups a day) and can decrease the incidence of cirrhosis by up to at least forty or fifty percent. Some studies suggest the more coffee consumed, the less chance of cirrhosis forming.

Coffee, though its caffeine content can speed up the heart rate, can also help people to "beat" heart disease. Possibly because it removes excess lipids from the blood stream or maybe because of its stimulant effects, those who consume coffee have a lower rate of cardiovascular disease. Parkinson's disease is another ailment coffee grounds: studies have shown that those who drink more than three cups of coffee per day significantly decrease their chances of getting Parkinson's. Along these lines, lifetime coffee drinkers, as opposed to those who only occasionally drink it, have a largely decreased incidence of Parkinson's.

Among other benefits of coffee are prevention of gout, anti-cancer elements, reduction of dental cavities, and cognitive enhancements. Those with coffee in mind have less chance of developing Alzheimer's and do largely better with short term memory recall and reaction time. Some tests indicate that coffee even increases IQ, allowing coffee drinkers to brag to tea drinkers about being smarter.

When it comes to health, coffee is a rising star (bucks). With recent findings, it plays a role in health: vigor is in coffee's (java) script. Simply stated, those who regularly indulge in cups of Joe are likely to see wellness brewing.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.

A Healthy Coffee - Benefits of Herbs in a Healthy Coffee


Herbs, mushrooms and spices are all added to enrich our coffee and tea; but what benefit do they really have for us other than flavor? Some of the beneficial properties are heavily disputed. Let's concentrate on what is agreed upon.

The mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Lingzhi or reishi mushroom is an ancient group of fungus from Asia. Many studies of its properties have been done and are posted on Pub Med among many other internet sites. They proclaim these mushrooms are known to boost immune systems, re-build cells, relieve inflammation, boosts energy levels, detoxify; there are as many benefits as there are verities of these mushrooms. Obviously, as more studies are done, all of these potent mushrooms properties will be defined.

In the mean time, let's look at some herbs.

Ginseng refers to several species of the genus Panax, a slow-growing plant that has been valued in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Lately there have been several studies indicating its benefit for those with diabetes, low immune system and heart conditions. There is also proof that it improves the brain and body's oxygen supply. There are many reports at Medline, a service of the U.S. national library of medicine, on herbs.

Tongkat Ali, a native plant to Indonesia and Malaysia, has also been studied by those at Pub Med and Medline. It produces positive effects for those suffering from, malaria, bacterial infections, ulcers, tumors and low libido; not an herb for those under eighteen.

Chocolate, however, is for all ages; specifically dark chocolate. It is known to reduce inflammation, stimulate endorphin production, contains serotonin for the brain, lowers allergic immune response, increase blood circulation and tastes good; especially with cinnamon.

Cinnamon, a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees, has been reported to have remarkable effects in the treatment of Type Two Diabetes and those with insulin resistance. It also has a reputation to aid in treating colds, diarrhea and other digestive system problems. Cinnamon is high in antioxidants whichprotect body cells from damaging effects, much the same way SODs do.

Not really an herb, fungi or spice, SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) is a class of enzymes that act as both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory neutralizing free radicals. They have been used to treat arthritis, prostate problems, inflammatory diseases and side effects of cancer treatment.

This brief journey through tasty goodness of what you might find in a healthy coffee or tea is just the beginning. There are many other combinations to boost our health and taste buds. And remember, check with your doctor for any reactions with medications and herbs you take.

Vanessa Hart is an independent affiliate of Gano Excel. Visit her blog at:

Top Tips to Choosing the Best Coffee


The social beverage of the world, coffee, is by far one of the most satisfying addictions one can have. That aroma of a fresh brewed cup of coffee can awaken the senses like nothing else. That first sip of sweet espresso or well made Turkish coffee can entice even the most devout coffee hater. Not any old coffee will drive men to tears over its savory goodness.

Choosing the right coffee blend is an art form. You can compare it to those who choose wines for gourmet dinners. Coffee is no different. Following are several tips to help you on the way to finding great coffee.

1. Do yourself a favor and avoid buying name brand coffee. All that you are doing is helping them pay for their substantial marketing machine.

2. Look for local roasters. They take great pride in their coffee beans and the roasting process. You may find a gem.

3. Roasting is one of the keys to a great coffee. Light roasts typically go way of being acidic in flavor. Dark roasts are more bitter and "full" or "medium" roasts are balanced between the two.

4. The higher quality coffee lends themselves to distinct flavors and sweetness regardless if they are dark roasts, medium or light roasts. A good bean roasted lightly will still be sweet with a touch of bitterness whereas a good bean dark roasted will be akin to a desert that contains nuts.

5. People like to think that certain countries produce different types of coffee. The best coffees produced tend to be suited to darker or lighter roasted coffees. Light to dark the countries are: Central America, South America and Caribbean, Africa and then finishing up with Indonesia and India.

6. Use coffee beans roasted for less than ten days prior. Older beans will simply taste like boring, unsweetened cocoa.

7. Grind your coffee beans minutes before actually brewing. This will give you the height of flavor and substance in your morning cup and make those gourmet coffee recipes shine above and beyond.

Arabica vs. Robusta

When you buy coffee at a Starbucks or online you will generally be buying Arabica coffee beans. Purchasing from a deli (typically an Italian-run one) will be a blend known as Robusta. Robusta is a bitter coffee with twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans.

Arabica is the choice of gourmet coffee drinkers all over the world. It is a subtle flavor that is sweet and nutty, but pleasant. Robusta is simply just too bitter and is really your grandfather's blend and should be avoided for social coffee drinking.

All of this information is for naught if you do not get yourself a quality coffee maker in order to brew your favorite beverage. One-cup coffee makers are great because they keep your coffee fresh by the cup with no sitting around to get stale and lifeless. Espresso makers with milk steamers are great if you wish to experiment with your coffee. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on a machine either. Go with the best that fits your budget.

Paul is a regular contributor to Coffee Maker Review is an informational website for Coffee Machines ratings and reviews, and provides information to the coffee club []

Health Benefits of Coffee Part 2 - An Indulgence to Ward Off Diseases

Monday, October 25, 2010 0 comments

Way back in the not so distant past, health buffs have had coffee along with other no-nos in their delicate diets believing that it poses many problems to the body. But with the recent breakthroughs which have not only debunked infamous myths about coffee intake but also proved coffee to have numerous health benefits, it has gained its way back into being among the favorites. In moderate amounts of up to 4/5 cups a day, you are not only taking pleasure in absolute coffee indulgence, you are also taking certain measures in caring for your health.

Coffee and Cancer

With the rising number of cancer acquisition and deaths each year, extensive studies have been focused on diets. Coffee, being one among the world's most popular beverages, has been a subject and the results were astounding. Aside from caffeine, coffee beans also contain other substances that falls under the classification of antioxidants that protect body cells from damage.

* Liver Cancer

Coffee has been proved to inversely act with cirrhosis. Since cirrhosis is a common health problem that marks the start of liver cancer, coffee has potential effects on liver cancer.

* Bowel (colorectal) Cancer

Several studies point out the significant role of coffee in lowering the risk of bowel cancer. Drinking coffee leads to an increased movement of food within the bowel, making them less exposed to cancer-causing substances released in the colon. The production of these substances, known as bile acids are also reduced.


Chemicals contained in the substances making up coffee beans lower blood sugar thus resulting to the finding that regular to heavy coffee drinkers are half as likely to acquire Type 2 diabetes that those who do not drink coffee. According to Diabetes and Genetic Epidemiology Unit Professor Tuomilehto of the University of Helinski, Finland; "As Type 2 diabetes rarely appears before the age of 40 and many older people stop or lessen coffee drinking, dietary advice may soon be developed that includes coffee as a safe and useful drink in a diabetes prevention programme".

Parkinson's Disease

Numerous evidences have collectively been gathered to prove that coffee consumption lessens the risks of Parkinson's Disease. Even those who are already suffering from the disease can greatly be benefited by drinking coffee as it helps relieve the symptoms as well protect the nerve cells.

Other than major and deadly health risks, coffee can also be beneficial in many ways. It offsets the damages caused by other bad habits including drinking and smoking. Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies indicates that "People who smoke and are heavy drinkers have less heart disease and liver damage when they regularly consume large amounts of coffee compared to those who don't." Evidences also proves that coffee may be used as immediate, short-term remedy for asthma and headaches. It can even be used as mood-enhancers while preventing cavities.

Aweng Moral-Basco is a freelance writer. For more of her articles, visit:

Weighing the Health Benefits and Risks of Coffee


Are you the type of person who just has to have your morning cup of coffee before you can get started on your day? If so, you've probably thought about the possible health consequences of drinking coffee. It may even cross your mind every time you pour yourself a cup, if you're anything like me.

Coffee tastes great and it provides some definite benefits to those who drink it, including significant boosts in energy. And there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who just wouldn't want to live without it.

Research has shown that drinking reasonable amounts of coffee makes a person feel more aware and focused, leading to increased productivity. If you feel yourself lagging behind at work, you might benefit from drinking a cup of coffee sometime.

It's clear that coffee can give us a mental boost, but unfortunately it's still unclear whether it has a positive effect, a negative effect, or no effect at all on physical health. Coffee drinkers are likely to insist that it's a harmless and innocent beverage, but others say that it can cause a variety of health problems.

Some research has shown that coffee does play a part in raising blood pressure levels when consumed regularly. It also increases heart rate, and these two effects together can frighten many people into avoiding coffee.

However, the same research points out that for such ill effects to be caused by coffee, an individual would have to consume large amounts over a long period of time. A cup a day, or something in that range, likely won't cause any health problems.

It seems that anti-oxidants are coming up more frequently when people discuss the health ramifications of coffee. Some more recent studies have shown that coffee beans contain anti-oxidants, which can help the human body in the fight against diseases like cancer by lowering the individual's risk of contracting the illness. It's not hard to believe that coffee could contain some helpful compounds, as it's made from all-natural coffee beans. We've known for awhile that red wine has similar health benefits.

Whatever your beliefs on coffee, it's still important to consume it in moderation, as with any food or beverage. Even if something hasn't been definitively proven to be unhealthy, it's still easy to overindulge and have too much of one thing. Always be careful with stimulants such as coffee, especially as you grow older.

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Start Off Each Day With The Best Coffee Beans In An Aromatic Cup Of Coffee

Sunday, October 24, 2010 0 comments

If you are a coffee lover, you will appreciate an aromatic cup of coffee to start off the day each morning as well as a freshly brewed cup of coffee at the end of each long working day. However, in order to get that taste of perfection, you cannot simply consume any coffee, you need the best coffee beans.

So how do you get the best coffee beans for that perfect cup of coffee? Having the best coffee maker is not enough, you must also have the best coffee seeds and to achieve that ideal result, it really depends on how the product is being cultivated.

Yes, you may be surprise but you need good quality soil and great climate in order to grow the best coffee bean. So in that case, which is the most ideal country to grow that perfect coffee seeds then? If you have Brazil in mind, you are correct because it produces the best coffee seeds you can find anywhere but Brazil is not where coffee beans originated from.

You can find coffee seeds cultivated in many other countries besides Brazil but to get the best tasting coffee, you are most likely to buy from Brazil, Columbia, Hawaii, Mexico and Indonesia as these are the countries known to produce the best coffee beans. If you have ever tried the coffee produced by these countries, you probably would never settle for anything else!

Why are these countries so successful in producing the best seeds? Apart from having good quality soil and a great climate, having a suitable altitude is also vital to producing the best results. Brazil is a tropical country, full of sunshine and rain, thus it undoubtedly produces the best and most coffee seeds.

As altitude is important to growing good quality seeds, Columbia should be gaining top spot in best beans produced but unfortunately the country's poor economy is holding it back. Without the necessary infrastructure, it is almost impossible to transport the products down from the mountain top to be exported out of the country.

As for Hawaiian coffee, you are probably right if you have voted for their coffee to be one of the best because they have a conducive environment for production. With large amount of rainfall, hot sun and rich, fertile volcanic ash, you cannot help but get the best products. However, they only produce in small quantities.

Indonesia is another conducive environment for growing coffee seeds because of their humid and improving technologies. As such, they are able to cultivate coffee beans even in remote areas such as Sulawesi and Java.

Ultimately, the key reasons why a country is able to produce the best coffee beans is a result of the environment. A lot of hard work is being put into cultivating these seeds. Now I believe we have a better idea how to choose the ideal seeds when we want to have a freshly brewed cup of coffee at the end of a long working day.

See Frank's latest website with tips on buying the best coffee beans and choose your coffee beans from a huge selection and have it delivered quickly.

Coffee Side Effects - What They Are, If Any


Coffee has two main ingredients that can improve your health; those are caffeine and antioxidants. Both caffeine and antioxidants have been seen to improve not only your health, but also decrease your signs of aging. Your body gains the ability to repair damaged cells with the help of the antioxidants in coffee. Free radicals are produced naturally by the body daily while going through your normal activities of the day.

Coffee is really a drink that is really well-known all over the globe, but the 3 biggest coffee sipping countries is the United States, France, and Germany. Between these three countries, they consume nearly 65% of all the worlds coffee. The annual amount of coffee drank every year is almost mind-boggling. There are about 400 billion cups of coffee drank every year world wide. There is only a small band around the world, where the climate permits coffee to be grown, but this doesn't stop coffee from being one of the most profitable, and most exported crops world wide.

Every day in the United States, there are over 200 million cups of coffee drank. The statistics from previous studies have allowed us to see that more than half of American adults have at least one cup of a coffee every day. Take into account now that 3/4 of Americans drink some coffee throughout their day, no wonder we're high strung.

Espresso isn't just loved in America, espresso is really a drink of choice all more than the planet. Coffee is a very popular drink world wide, but just how popular is it? Well in fact, coffee is the most consumed beverage every day, sitting only behind water! There are tons of devoted fans and followers of this dark drink, some even go as far as to call it, "the nectar of the Gods". Please read further on down, as I have provided some health facts about coffee that you might not have known about. For many, many years coffee has been thought to provide health benefits for its drinkers, continue on and find out for yourself.

Some studies have even showed that people who drink coffee have less heart disease in comparison to others who don't partake in either activity. But before you can drink your favorite cup of java, you're going to need a gourmet coffee maker to brew it in.

Be sure to take a look at the worlds variety of coffee beans.

Best Coffee Machines Can Be Found With These 4 Surefire Methods

Saturday, October 23, 2010 0 comments

So, you love, maybe even live for, that first cup 'o joe each morning. How do you brew it? Finding the best coffee machine can be a daunting task. There are so many on the market, it can be quite difficult to choose the one that is just right for you. These four tips will help your quest for the best machine easier and more efficient.

1. Personal Preference

Everyone has their own taste preference and usage preference so choosing the best coffee maker is really a personal endeavor. You have to evaluate what you want and need because the "best" is very subjective.

Perhaps you live in a small apartment or house where counter space is limited. In that case, an under cabinet coffee maker would probably best suit your purpose.

On the other hand, if you like to have your coffee right when you wake, a machine with a timer may be your best bet. Whether it is an under cabinet coffee maker or a usual coffee pot, the best is the one that suits your own preferences.

2. Brand, Size and Color

Some people have certain brands that they prefer. Price really does not play into the brand because some of the best name brands do have low price models that maintain the quality that the name carries. Some people, though, just prefer to keep with the same brand throughout their home. For example, they might want their home to be filled with all DeLonghi products.

Capacity is also important. If you are the only one who drinks coffee, then a single serve is the coffee machine to get. On the other hand, if you drink a lot of coffee or you have several people in your home who drinks coffee, then a larger coffee pot, like 8, 10 or even 12 cups would be the best for you.

Color is an issue for some people and other people just do not care. Many manufacturers are making their coffee makers very colorful. Now you can go into a store and are very likely to find a coffee maker that fits any décor.

3. The 4 Ps

When you are in the market for the a brewer, remember the four Ps: Price, Phew Value, Popularity and Plot. Consider the price first. Can you afford a model that is really good but carries a hefty price tag? Remember, you generally get what you pay for so that $10 may be easy on your wallet, but think of quality as well.

Next is the Phew Value. Sure, it is a great coffee maker, but is it so complicated that you can not utilize all of the features? It may be a great machine, but if you cannot use it, it is worthless.

Popularity should also be considered. It is popular for a reason, be it ease of use, great price or quality. But do not let that popularity lead you into purchasing a coffee maker that has features that you do not really need or one that does not suit your needs.

Plot in the last consideration. Think about the space that you have in your kitchen. Do you have room on your counters for a coffee maker? Would you be better served with an under cabinet coffee maker? Think about your needs and space available before you take the plunge.

4. What are the features that you cannot live without

Do you absolutely need a clock, filter basket, cord storage, adjustable water temperature, clean light, auto shut off, pause and serve or other features?

There are some pretty fancy coffee makers out there. Think about the features that you need and want, just remember that some of those fancy features carry a fancy price tag. And ultimately, the best is what suits your lifestyle...

Ebenezer Heng, the owner of On Coffee makers does the research for on any machines related to coffee. As long as you are looking for a machines to better your coffee experience, chances are you can find it at

Learn more about how to find the best at

**Please feel free to re-print this article on your e-zine, newsletter or website, just remember to use the article together with this resource box. Thank you!

Coffee People Wake Up Call K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50) [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]

Introducing the new 50 count K-Cup package from Diedrich Coffee. The same consistent, flavorful K-Cups are now available in a single 50-count package exclusively on This new larger package optimizes for our customers. It is more efficient resulting in both a lower cost and a green sensibility, given the reduced waste. You can find this package on K-cups by Diedrich Coffee, Coffee People, and Gloria Jean’s Coffee. So go ahead and explore all the great K-Cup varieties in the new 50-count package.

The K-Cup Magic

Diedrich Coffee Inc. Perks for the Planet

The K-Cup Magic
The K-Cup magic allows you to brew the perfect cup of gourmet coffee -- every time. No more guessing how much water or how many beans to grind, and best of all no more mess! Each individually sealed K-Cup contains ground beans protected until you brew them -- all you need to do is insert your K-Cup, hit the button and allow the Keurig machine to brew you your next cup of gourmet coffee.

About Diedrich Coffee
Diedrich Coffee, Inc. specializes in sourcing, roasting and selling the world's highest quality coffees. Homegrown in Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest the stories of our brands are rich in a passion for the craft of coffee that has stood the test of time. With a commitment to coffee that dates back to the early 1900’s, the Diedrich name long been associated with freshness and quality.
A coupling of tradition and meticulous care mark the standard for selecting and roasting each and every individual variety of premium Diedrich, Coffee People and Gloria Jean’s coffees.
EXPLORE THE WORLD OF Diedrich Coffee Explore and exotic world of premium origin coffees. Three generations of coffee growers and roasters bring you the very best from legendary coffee growing regions like Indonesia, Africa and South America.
GO BOLD WITH Coffee People: Born in the great Northwest, Coffee People is not your average joe. Experience these quirky brews of bold, flavorful coffee and celebrate Coffee People’s one of a kind personality.
FLAVOR THE DAY WITH Gloria Jean’s Coffees For over 30 years, Gloria Jean’s has passionately pioneered the development of high quality gourmet flavored coffees. Resulting in an extraordinary selection of irresistible flavors – offered in the convenience of single serve.
Our Mission is to provide continued emphasis and awareness on sustainable business practices while supporting various environmental and social causes benefiting our local and supplier communities. From the beginning we have had a passion for giving back and helping others. That legacy remains an integral part of who we are today, as we strive to be a positive force in the communities in which we live and work.
We encourage our employees to volunteer, as we continue to invest in our communities. We conduct our business as a good corporate citizen – in a way that helps protect the environment and demonstrates good stewardship of our natural resources.
Diedrich Coffee, Inc. is a proud supporter United Way and Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Diedrich Coffee and have teamed up to offer this item in Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging, a recyclable, easy-to-open alternative to traditional packaging.
  • 33% reduction in packaging with a single, 50 count, box
  • 40% recycled cardboard in every package
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Price: $27.90

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Finding the Best Coffee Makers in Town


For homemakers, coffee lovers, workers, and myriads of other people, finding the best coffee makers is a matter of utmost importance. Indeed, for a lot of people, perhaps including you and members of your family, there is no better way to start your day but to drink a warm cup of good, freshly brewed coffee the moment you get up.

And for this to happen, you clearly need a companion that can help you brew great coffee even at home, so a warm cup can greet you as soon as the sun does. Unfortunately, finding the best coffee makers is a challenge greater than that of having to go out of your way to head to the coffee shop on your way to work.

But having your own brewing station at home provides unsurpassed benefits, especially if you're one of those folks who can't live without coffee. That's why it's extremely important that you get your hands on a good coffee maker.

What Are Your Choices?

To find the best coffee machines, start with a crash course on the different types of coffee makers. This will help you find the specific type that will suit your needs as well as your lifestyle.

The three types of coffee makers are the drip coffee maker, the vacuum coffee maker, and the percolator. In terms of popularity, the drip coffee maker wins hands down. This specific type works by dripping hot water over ground coffee to thoroughly extract the flavor.

To make sure that your coffee comes out excellently, you have to follow exact requirements regarding the length of brewing time, the water's temperature, and the size of ground coffee you use. Due to the meticulous brewing process, the result is always great, richly flavored coffee that can bring inspiration to you whenever you need it.

And that's what made the drip coffee maker very popular. It now comes in single-serve units as well as large-capacity models, and also comes with glass carafes or thermal pots, depending on what you need.

Next on the list is the vacuum coffee maker, which is the good old coffee maker that gives justice to the real idea of brewing. It vacuums the flavor of coffee from the ground coffee, resulting to a strong, excellent cup. This type is well-loved by coffee aficionados.

Lastly, there's the percolator, which is not very popular especially among people who are particular about the taste of their coffee. Coffee aficionados have a clear dislike for this type because it does the unthinkable, which is to boil instead of brew it. Coffee that comes out of percolators are often very bitter.

Things to Take Note Of

In looking for the best coffee machines, there are several things you have to consider. You can determine the type of coffee maker you need by evaluating why you need coffee. There are people who just can't start their days without the added boost of energy provided by coffee, there are some others who just have a natural love for coffee, and there are some who needs a picker-upper during the day.

If you need your morning cup or a go-to cup of coffee during few-minute breaks, you will benefit a lot from fast-brewing drip coffee makers, especially those with programmable timers. If you have a natural love for coffee and won't mind spending some time brewing it by yourself, you'll enjoy the conservative coffee handling process of the vacuum coffee maker.

You should also consider how much coffee you need. As a homemaker, you can also get good value from a multiple-cup coffee maker that can fill several cups with one brewing cycle so everyone in your family can have great coffee together.

But if you just need coffee for yourself, often in a to-go cup, you'll love the single-serve coffee makers, and those with thermal cups. These are the things that will lead you straight to the best coffee makers that can answer your coffee needs.

You can find more detailed reviews of the best coffee makers on our coffee maker reviews website.

Copyright 2008, all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Mark is the editor which provides you with the best coffee maker reviews and ratings.

Gloria Jean's Hazelnut K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50) [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]

Introducing the new 50 count K-Cup package from Diedrich Coffee. The same consistent, flavorful K-Cups are now available in a single 50-count package exclusively on This new larger package optimizes for our customers. It is more efficient resulting in both a lower cost and a green sensibility, given the reduced waste. You can find this package on K-cups by Diedrich Coffee, Coffee People, and Gloria Jean’s Coffee. So go ahead and explore all the great K-Cup varieties in the new 50-count package.

The K-Cup Magic

Diedrich Coffee Inc. Perks for the Planet

The K-Cup Magic
The K-Cup magic allows you to brew the perfect cup of gourmet coffee -- every time. No more guessing how much water or how many beans to grind, and best of all no more mess! Each individually sealed K-Cup contains ground beans protected until you brew them -- all you need to do is insert your K-Cup, hit the button and allow the Keurig machine to brew you your next cup of gourmet coffee.

About Diedrich Coffee
Diedrich Coffee, Inc. specializes in sourcing, roasting and selling the world's highest quality coffees. Homegrown in Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest the stories of our brands are rich in a passion for the craft of coffee that has stood the test of time. With a commitment to coffee that dates back to the early 1900’s, the Diedrich name long been associated with freshness and quality.
A coupling of tradition and meticulous care mark the standard for selecting and roasting each and every individual variety of premium Diedrich, Coffee People and Gloria Jean’s coffees.
EXPLORE THE WORLD OF Diedrich Coffee Explore and exotic world of premium origin coffees. Three generations of coffee growers and roasters bring you the very best from legendary coffee growing regions like Indonesia, Africa and South America.
GO BOLD WITH Coffee People: Born in the great Northwest, Coffee People is not your average joe. Experience these quirky brews of bold, flavorful coffee and celebrate Coffee People’s one of a kind personality.
FLAVOR THE DAY WITH Gloria Jean’s Coffees For over 30 years, Gloria Jean’s has passionately pioneered the development of high quality gourmet flavored coffees. Resulting in an extraordinary selection of irresistible flavors – offered in the convenience of single serve.
Our Mission is to provide continued emphasis and awareness on sustainable business practices while supporting various environmental and social causes benefiting our local and supplier communities. From the beginning we have had a passion for giving back and helping others. That legacy remains an integral part of who we are today, as we strive to be a positive force in the communities in which we live and work.
We encourage our employees to volunteer, as we continue to invest in our communities. We conduct our business as a good corporate citizen – in a way that helps protect the environment and demonstrates good stewardship of our natural resources.
Diedrich Coffee, Inc. is a proud supporter United Way and Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Diedrich Coffee and have teamed up to offer this item in Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging, a recyclable, easy-to-open alternative to traditional packaging.
  • 33% reduction in packaging with a single, 50 count, box
  • 40% recycled cardboard in every package
  • Soy based non-toxic ink on all packaging
  • Reduced carbon emissions due to more efficient packaging and transportation
Price: $27.90

Click here to buy from Amazon

Coffee - Health Risks Drinking Too Much


Coffee is America's most popular beverage, with the average adult consuming about 1.65 cups of coffee a day. But, what is all this coffee and caffeine doing to our bodies? Are there health risks associated with high coffee consumption? For the answers to these questions and more information on the health effects of coffee, keep reading.

Possible Cardiovascular Issues

While no concrete studies have shown that excess coffee drinking can lead to high blood pressure or increased risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers do know that caffeine is a stimulant that can increase your heart rate.

Also, cafestol, a substance that is predominant in unfiltered coffee can dramatically increase patient cholesterol levels, particularly with women. Fortunately, cafestol is not present in significant amounts in filtered coffee.

Because of these potential cardiovascular issues, health professionals recommend not exceeding 4 cups of coffee a day.

Increased Anxiety

Coffee is a stimulant. It can cause jitters and anxiety if too much caffeine is consumed. Routinely consuming a high volume of coffee or even coffee withdrawal can each cause irritability.

Sleep Problems

Again, coffee is a stimulant, meaning it keeps you awake and alert. Subsequently, people suffering from insomnia or sleep issues are recommended to stay away from caffeine and other potent stimulants.

High Acidic Content

Coffee has a high acidic content which can cause stomach pains and discomfort in the digestive system. To prevent this, try to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach or in excess. Pouring in a little cream with your coffee can help coat the stomach and reduce the effect of the brew's acid.


Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it can strip your body of water and vital moisture. This can cause sallow skin, constipation and dehydration. Ideally, every cup of coffee should be followed by two glasses of water.

Loose Bowel Movements

Though coffee is a diuretic and constipation, it can also cause loose stools when it passes through the colon. It acts as a stimulant for peristalsis, the rhythmic contraction of the colon.

PMS Symptoms

Excess coffee drinking has been shown to aggravate PMS symptoms. By dehydrating the body, stimulating contractions and increasing anxiety, coffee can have a powerful effect on the pre-menstrual woman.

Despite the health risks associated with drinking coffee, a number of health benefits have been linked to moderate coffee consumption, including reduced cancer risk and a reduced likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, gout, Parkinson's disease and Type 2 Diabetes. However the key is drinking in moderation.

For details on enticing coffee flavors that explode your taste buds, please visit, a popular site of great coffee options, such as almond flavored coffee, a commercial super automatic Espresso machine, and many more!

Roasted coffee Storage myths; Freeze your fresh Coffee & other Popular misconceptions

Friday, October 22, 2010 0 comments
You can then are fed with the bland black liquid, so that you can call coffee, brewed from the finest global supermarket grinds to. You are financially outraged one cup of coffee at the designer coffee shop. It is now time to do things your own hands!
So that you can place the latest advanced technologically coffee machine, including my coffee bean grinder.Even the NASA engineers to envy bells and whistles, this baby. you can splurge more Sterling's finest fresh roasted Arabica bean coffee of the world has to offer.
Pop you open a publication that incredibly fresh roasted coffee aroma and vacuum-sealed bag.Your eyes to expand all these glossy brown beans site as you begin to grind your first pound gourmet coffee you are familiar with such as crazy scientist. than change every bell and Whistle space age of the coffee maker, and you can use this thought, such as paukuttelemaan you finish your home gourmet fresh coffee first cup.No more long lines and outrageous prices neighborhood Caf? you can!
Now is the time you can save these Sterling fresh kahvipapuihin unopened packages and unused part has to be only black gold. then you remember what your mom told you; "PIN to refrigerate unopened beans just ground coffee &".
At this point, it would be best if you have just returned to the supermarket and buy a stock which is subject to these General grinds had grown To loathe. best available and most advanced coffee beans coffee brewing devices makes little best cup of coffee beans If you desire is not processed correctly.
Looking at the facts, we have more information about the fresh roasted coffee are the natural enemies of light, heat and moisture away to save your coffee. they consider it muutoksten anymore. Therefore, airtight container is stored in a dry, dark place, is your coffee the best environment.
But why not freezer, that's cool & dark?

This makes sense, but if the case, then why we could not be found in our supermarket coffee frozen food section?

For this reason!
Coffee is Porous. it is exactly this feature, that allows us to flavor of coffee beans for those who enjoy the gourmet flavored coffees oils and syrups. Coffee can to cope with this for the same reason, the flavors and moisture from your freezer. The absorbed moisture decreases your coffee natural goodness and expensive gourmet coffee beans taste such as their own freezer.The coffee beans a major shortage of process causes the release of oils and essences for the adoption of different coffee flavor. This is the reason why you beans is glossy. These oils are more significant dark roasted coffee and espresso beans and the reason why these coffees are so distinct taste.
The freezing process break down these oils and destroy natural coffee flavour. So unless you do not taking into account the flavored coffee, frozen fish you should avoid the use of freezing to gourmet coffee beans all costs.
Derogations from some of freezing save your coffee, but should be handled with care!Fresh roasted coffee will remain fresh for about 2 weeks.If you have more than 2 weeks, you can you can, and I shutter to say, the right to freeze your coffee but you follow these steps:
Apply to freeze once a rule.This means that when you enable the beans out of fridge, they should never go back to the constant temperature of the coffee wreak mellakoida. Frozen moisture in your coffee, OPD and the destruction of the coffee bean absorboitumaan oils and flavors allow unsolicited absorption.When you put it back into freezer, then repeating the process and the destruction of the expensive gourmet coffee Keep humidity! keep in mind that the moisture content of coffee's natural enemy.If a five-pound bag of coffee store, share it weekly.

Wrap code version of the flies of freezing bags and plastic wrap.With drain off the excess air, if possible, ohennetut freezing bag sealer from straw or in a vacuum. Remove weekly part when it is required and save the watertight container dry place, such as your personal pantry.

And remember, not taken it into the freezer!

So when it is the best refrigerate coffee?

Simply put, never, unless the plan is being implemented in order to test out, how long does it take to ruin perfectly good coffee.

The freezer is an absolute worst places, put the coffee.Reasons why you want to lock the fresh roasted coffee also apply here.
Other Popular coffee myths exposed to.

All beans before saving the Completely wrong!. Grinding coffee breaks to disclose their beans and oils into the beans and makes obsolete coffee to go much faster, regardless of how you can save the. This is geared to the protection of the flavored coffees!For the Best coffee tasters should buy your beans whole and save them in the dark in a closed container.Grind just before serving!Vacuum-sealed package of fresh coffee.Again, quite incorrectly.Coffee process cause the release of a shortfall as a by-product of the carbon dioxide gas, in particular the coffee beans.This gas process continues for several days after roasting.Vacuum sealed in order to qualify for a coffee does not release the first industrial initiatives or burst bag, which means that it is to sit for several days before it can be packaged and delivered around the beginning of this session. plunder the freshness of coffee.Vacuum sealing is the best pre-ground coffee, which we know already does not intend to taste as good as fresh ground coffee.Packing and shipping, the best way is the valve closed bags.Valve allows carbon dioxide gases and moisture content, to escape, but it does not allow oxygen or moisture.Thus, the fresh kahvipapuihin can be packaged and delivered immediately after roasting, the coffee, to ensure the freshness and flavour.
A quick review to gourmet coffee

Buy fresh roasted whole bean coffee, coffee roaster mahdollisuuksienEtsi directly on the valve closed bags, no vacuum coffee beans in the dark-a closed sealedTallentaa astiassaJauhetaan your beans just before RankinNauti!

Dr. Cynthia Ochi is coffee lover, who will continue his quest, as is the case, find & prepare the ultimate cup of Java. His Search led to the development of quality coffee distributor they are not only a Distributor, but they are linked directly to the roastery! why is this so important?, coffee roastery In direct-your order has been roasted in small quantities, right before it is shipped. Coffee-your order is not sitting on the shelf can be imposed only in waiting! we are not able to Java beans affiliated roastmaster hand selects from around the world, sugar syrup blends containing cuisine & roasts your order and get you a cup of coffee in the finest coffees available. line is even featured in a time Magazine! we can Java roastery is certified Organic Coffee processing and processor, Georgia, as seen by the customer experience improvement Association Organic Certification Program (GCIAOCP) and their compliance with the requirements laid down in the national programme for Organic. Explore for yourself and see if you don t think Cynthia!

7 Things to Look For to Get the Best Coffee Maker on the Market


Many of us love to drink coffee and its a known fact that coffee can provide a boost of energy and warm your body up on those cold winter days. But many of us are not familiar with the history of coffee and more importantly coffee machines, themselves. Without them, we probably would not see so many people drinking this world wide popular beverage and as well as being able to affordably prepare them at home.

For most coffee lovers, there are only a few things more appealing than waking up to a perfectly brewed pot of coffee. That first cup starts your entire day the right way, doesn't it? If it's brewed the way you like, you'll feel that extra zing in your step from morning till night. However, if that first cup is too hot or not hot enough, too strong or too weak, you quickly find yourself frantically feeling like someone has messed with your very essence.

For that reason, if your brew it yourself, the way you like it, with a coffee maker that has everything you need, your life can only get better. When looking for the best coffee maker, there are a few features and benefits that it should have:

Cup size - Can you fit your favorite oversized mug into the coffee maker?
Timer - Make sure that you don't over brew, or under brew your coffee.
Space - Does it take over kitchen?
Ease of Use - Are the controls and functions like operating a fighter plane?
Durability - How long will it last?
Ease of Cleaning - Does it have an awkward design that makes parts difficult to reach and clean?
Style - Does it fit in with the rest of your kitchen, or does it destroy your decor By answering these simple questions, most of the hard work of finding your coffee machine is done. This would have saved you a lot time and effort in finding the very best coffee maker. Lets move onto...

What Types Of Coffee Makers Are Available?

There are many types of coffee makers available, all making different types of coffee. Listed below are just some of the more popular types:

The drip method coffee maker can brew upto 12 cups of coffee. That's great for parties and entertaining! It makes a full-bodied, rich fragrant coffee, that is very aromatic. A French Press makes a smaller amount of coffee per cup as compared to the others, but the plus side is that the coffee is very rich and strong. The percolator can make a coffee in about twenty minutes. You can make between upto 12 cups and the coffee is very rich and full of flavor. Now that you what to look for and what type of coffee maker you want, all thats left is to have a quick at...

The 5 Best Coffee Makers Available to Buy.

With regards to coffee makers there are thousands to choose from. You could just go for the cheapest model available, but believe me, it will never make you that perfect cup of joe. Why not spend a little more cash for better functionality, better longevity and an irresistible sultry design? I mean you have spent all that money making your kitchens look great, why ruin them with a cheap, tacky looking coffee maker?

1. The Cuisinart Thermal Coffee Maker: The most alluring feature is the timed grinding and brewing feature. Imagine waking up to the sound, smell and taste of the freshest ground coffee. The model is quite tall and its stainless steel appearance gives it a very contemporary look. This model requires ample space for the Grind & Brew - not only in terms of the overall length, but also the lid is located on top, and has to open for you to pour the water in. It has a thermal carafe, which means it doesn't burn your coffee and you can have warm coffee up to 2-hours later. It also uses charcoal water filters to clean the impurities out of your water and comes with a 3-year limited warranty. My top pick!

2. Kitchen Aid Pro Line 12-cup Coffee Makers: So you like entertaining and your guests are always ask for coffee?...Then this is just perfect for your dinner parties. It comes with a portable second warmer which is great on your bedside table so you can read and drink coffee all day long, without having to get up. It is also great if you want to brew two types of coffee at the same time, decaf or regular. It's made of die-cast metal, has a timer and a two temperature heat setting. For great tasting coffee this gem comes with a Ion exchange water filter and has a 2-year warranty.

3. Cuisinart DCC-1200 12-Cup Brew Central Coffeemaker: This 12-cup coffee maker uses the same brewing system found in many commercial coffeemakers so you can be assured of getting a truly great tasting cup of coffee. It's definitely worth spending a few more dollars on. It has an adjustable warming plate, 1-4 cup selection, water filter, 24-hour clock/timer for wake-up coffee; brew-pause; programmable shut-off to name just a few of the features. The digital clock/timer is programmable for automatically brewing "wake-up" coffee at a selected time and for turning off the warming plate up to four hours in advance. It also has an easy to clean Gold Filter with easy swing-out basket Brew Pause Color - Black with brushed stainless-steel accents, fantastic machine!

4. BUNN NHBX-B Contemporary 10-Cup Home Coffee Brewer: this unique reservoir-style home-brewing system makes up to 10 cups (50 ounces) of coffee in just three minutes, plus it keeps hot water available for tea or other uses as needed. Produces exceptional, cafe quality coffee with an elegant contemporary design compliments any décor. It has a specially designed stainless-steel water tank with an internal thermostat, which keeps water at an ideal temperature for maximum flavor and fast brewing. If you decide to buy this one, you won't be disappointed.

5. The Melitta Javapod One: This is a futuristic looking coffee machine which makes one cup of coffee at a time. It comes in five eye catching colors: red, white, black, mango and kiwi. It makes one great tasting cup of coffee in around a minute. One other plus point is that it can host lots of other coffee pod brands, giving you more choice and it can also make tea. It has a 1-year limited warranty.

There you have it, 5 of the best coffee makers around to make sensational coffee and to make your kitchen or bedroom! the highlight of your home.

Kalwant Rana is A Freelance Writer For Get the latest reviews on the best coffee makers As Well As Other Coffee Machine Information.

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