Health Benefits of Coffee Part 2 - An Indulgence to Ward Off Diseases

Monday, October 25, 2010

Way back in the not so distant past, health buffs have had coffee along with other no-nos in their delicate diets believing that it poses many problems to the body. But with the recent breakthroughs which have not only debunked infamous myths about coffee intake but also proved coffee to have numerous health benefits, it has gained its way back into being among the favorites. In moderate amounts of up to 4/5 cups a day, you are not only taking pleasure in absolute coffee indulgence, you are also taking certain measures in caring for your health.

Coffee and Cancer

With the rising number of cancer acquisition and deaths each year, extensive studies have been focused on diets. Coffee, being one among the world's most popular beverages, has been a subject and the results were astounding. Aside from caffeine, coffee beans also contain other substances that falls under the classification of antioxidants that protect body cells from damage.

* Liver Cancer

Coffee has been proved to inversely act with cirrhosis. Since cirrhosis is a common health problem that marks the start of liver cancer, coffee has potential effects on liver cancer.

* Bowel (colorectal) Cancer

Several studies point out the significant role of coffee in lowering the risk of bowel cancer. Drinking coffee leads to an increased movement of food within the bowel, making them less exposed to cancer-causing substances released in the colon. The production of these substances, known as bile acids are also reduced.


Chemicals contained in the substances making up coffee beans lower blood sugar thus resulting to the finding that regular to heavy coffee drinkers are half as likely to acquire Type 2 diabetes that those who do not drink coffee. According to Diabetes and Genetic Epidemiology Unit Professor Tuomilehto of the University of Helinski, Finland; "As Type 2 diabetes rarely appears before the age of 40 and many older people stop or lessen coffee drinking, dietary advice may soon be developed that includes coffee as a safe and useful drink in a diabetes prevention programme".

Parkinson's Disease

Numerous evidences have collectively been gathered to prove that coffee consumption lessens the risks of Parkinson's Disease. Even those who are already suffering from the disease can greatly be benefited by drinking coffee as it helps relieve the symptoms as well protect the nerve cells.

Other than major and deadly health risks, coffee can also be beneficial in many ways. It offsets the damages caused by other bad habits including drinking and smoking. Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies indicates that "People who smoke and are heavy drinkers have less heart disease and liver damage when they regularly consume large amounts of coffee compared to those who don't." Evidences also proves that coffee may be used as immediate, short-term remedy for asthma and headaches. It can even be used as mood-enhancers while preventing cavities.

Aweng Moral-Basco is a freelance writer. For more of her articles, visit:


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