A Healthy Coffee - Benefits of Herbs in a Healthy Coffee

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Herbs, mushrooms and spices are all added to enrich our coffee and tea; but what benefit do they really have for us other than flavor? Some of the beneficial properties are heavily disputed. Let's concentrate on what is agreed upon.

The mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Lingzhi or reishi mushroom is an ancient group of fungus from Asia. Many studies of its properties have been done and are posted on Pub Med among many other internet sites. They proclaim these mushrooms are known to boost immune systems, re-build cells, relieve inflammation, boosts energy levels, detoxify; there are as many benefits as there are verities of these mushrooms. Obviously, as more studies are done, all of these potent mushrooms properties will be defined.

In the mean time, let's look at some herbs.

Ginseng refers to several species of the genus Panax, a slow-growing plant that has been valued in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Lately there have been several studies indicating its benefit for those with diabetes, low immune system and heart conditions. There is also proof that it improves the brain and body's oxygen supply. There are many reports at Medline, a service of the U.S. national library of medicine, on herbs.

Tongkat Ali, a native plant to Indonesia and Malaysia, has also been studied by those at Pub Med and Medline. It produces positive effects for those suffering from, malaria, bacterial infections, ulcers, tumors and low libido; not an herb for those under eighteen.

Chocolate, however, is for all ages; specifically dark chocolate. It is known to reduce inflammation, stimulate endorphin production, contains serotonin for the brain, lowers allergic immune response, increase blood circulation and tastes good; especially with cinnamon.

Cinnamon, a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees, has been reported to have remarkable effects in the treatment of Type Two Diabetes and those with insulin resistance. It also has a reputation to aid in treating colds, diarrhea and other digestive system problems. Cinnamon is high in antioxidants whichprotect body cells from damaging effects, much the same way SODs do.

Not really an herb, fungi or spice, SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) is a class of enzymes that act as both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory neutralizing free radicals. They have been used to treat arthritis, prostate problems, inflammatory diseases and side effects of cancer treatment.

This brief journey through tasty goodness of what you might find in a healthy coffee or tea is just the beginning. There are many other combinations to boost our health and taste buds. And remember, check with your doctor for any reactions with medications and herbs you take.

Vanessa Hart is an independent affiliate of Gano Excel. Visit her blog at: http://ahealthycoffee.grouply.com


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