Coffee and Health

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For those who routinely greet a beeping alarm clock with a shriek of denial, coffee is more than a welcoming morning drink: it's a way of life. But, even for those not in need of an intervention by the Hills Brothers, coffee can be filled with lots of benefits, lots of health benefits.

In the past years, no one thought of coffee as a drink that could filter out illness. Instead, it was thought of merely as a drink that gave exhausted people a latte pep. But, it turns out it might not just be a bean; it may also be a magical bean.

Now, before we continue, it's important to point out that consuming large amounts of coffee is not without its risks. Like too much of anything, overindulging in coffee can lead to problems. Coffee can stain teeth, cause high blood pressure, and lead to constipation, nervousness, heart palpations, and sleep changes. The high amount of caffeine can also lead to osteoporosis, and the inability to absorb certain nutrients. Still, for many people, the benefits of coffee outweigh the risks and a mug or two is a morning, afternoon, and evening ritual.

Those who drink coffee regularly may find a decreased risk of diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver. It can decrease the risk of diabetes 2 by up to half (especially for those who consume several cups a day) and can decrease the incidence of cirrhosis by up to at least forty or fifty percent. Some studies suggest the more coffee consumed, the less chance of cirrhosis forming.

Coffee, though its caffeine content can speed up the heart rate, can also help people to "beat" heart disease. Possibly because it removes excess lipids from the blood stream or maybe because of its stimulant effects, those who consume coffee have a lower rate of cardiovascular disease. Parkinson's disease is another ailment coffee grounds: studies have shown that those who drink more than three cups of coffee per day significantly decrease their chances of getting Parkinson's. Along these lines, lifetime coffee drinkers, as opposed to those who only occasionally drink it, have a largely decreased incidence of Parkinson's.

Among other benefits of coffee are prevention of gout, anti-cancer elements, reduction of dental cavities, and cognitive enhancements. Those with coffee in mind have less chance of developing Alzheimer's and do largely better with short term memory recall and reaction time. Some tests indicate that coffee even increases IQ, allowing coffee drinkers to brag to tea drinkers about being smarter.

When it comes to health, coffee is a rising star (bucks). With recent findings, it plays a role in health: vigor is in coffee's (java) script. Simply stated, those who regularly indulge in cups of Joe are likely to see wellness brewing.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.


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